Found: 2 jobs in: 24220, Germany within: 50 Kms
  • 1
    • #252480
    • Contract
    • Full-time

    Groom And Stablehand

    Schreiber & Lorenzen Gbr | Rickling | Schleswig-Holstein | 24635 |
    thumbnail photo Only for European citizens! An exclusive dressage and breeding stable near Hamburg and Kiel is looking for a person who is taking care after 12horses: Sporthorses, breeding mares and a couple...
    25 days ago | 2 months left | |
  • 2
    • #251406
    • Temporary; Permanent
    • Full-time
    thumbnail photo You want to learn the principles of natural Horsemanship in theory and practice? You want to learn modern rehabilitation methods? You want to learn how to take care of horses on a high...
    25 days ago | 2 months left | |