Leg Up Equestrian
Fort Mill, South Carolina, USA
- Employer No
- 419534
- Website
- https://www.legupequestrian.com/
- Location
- Fort Mill, South Carolina, USA
Leg Up is an English riding academy that emphasizes horsemanship and personal growth. We specialize in dressage, jumping, cross-country jumping, and eventing.
But what sets us apart? • A developed, proven curriculum (our “Levels of Achievement”) that has brought success to thousands of riders of all ages, interests, and abilities. • Our emphasis on a warm, positive environment and unique working student program that teaches character and personal growth as part of horsemanship. • Our safe schoolmaster horses, our certified instructors, and our integrated barn and horse care instruction. • But mostly, what makes Leg Up so special is that our top priority is to unite our students with the magic of horses so that they can realize their dreams, find their voice, and grow.
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