Equestrian Jobseeker Profile Photo


Kalispell, Montana, 59901, USA

Jobseeker No
Gender/Working Couple
Kalispell, Montana, 59901, USA
Marital Status
SAHM/going to school for equine massage therapy
1.66m = 5' 5"
54 kgs = 8 st 7 lb
Live-In Position
Bring Own Horse
(Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Florida)
Work Types
Work Times
Full-time; Part-time
Earliest Start
Mar 2025
Ideally I’m looking for an equine related job with housing. Whether that job be barn hand/management, rider/trainer, rescue/rehab work/management, beginner instructor, etc.

I will be taking equine massage therapy and rehab courses very soon. I’m also a Bemer Rep, took the class for it, and will be investing in the blanket this year. I will also take any other course and learn any other therapy I feel would be an asset to my career. For example, equine first aid, saddle fitting, hoof/mouth/bit anatomy, lameness knowledge, biomechanics, training techniques, etc. I used to be a vet tech, but only did on the job training.

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Duties of Current Occupation

Past job roles include a lot of barn help doing any chore you can think for horses! I’ve also trained, competed, worked in vets offices, rehabbed horses, retrained OTTBs, worked on ranches with over 50 horses and smaller private facilities.

Equine Work Experience

I have over 20+ years of experience in the horse world. From owning my own horses to working on private facilities or large boarding/lesson facilities. I have experience with any and all chores for horses and some vet tech experience. I have done stalls, feeding, supplements, medications, grooming, blanketing, turn in/out, first aid, training, tune-ups, some lessons for kids, as well as competing when I was younger, but would love to do again!


The majority of my horse experience is with younger OTTBs, some right off the track, some with a little bit of training. I only have ever owned OTTBs myself, but have competed ridden/trained/shown warmbloods, and a few other different breeds. I will also be getting my Equine Massage therapy and rehab license soon.

Type of Ride Work

I grew up riding English on OTTBs and some warm bloods where I rode and trained eventing, jumping, and dressage. I have also dabbled in western riding on a trading ranch on various different horses as well as training western pleasure horses at a private facility.

Competition Details

I competed a lot in English open shows when I was younger. I competed in eventing, jumping, and dressage when I was a little older, but haven’t competed in years. I would love to start again!

Key Skills
Riding Driving license First-Aid Equine First-Aid Handling Youngstock Lunging Bandaging Teaching Exercising Competing Natural Horsemanship Parelli Horsemanship People Skills
Areas of Expertise
Dressage Eventing Showing Show Jumping Working with children Flatwork

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